iphone apps

I’m relying on Erik the Black’s Atlas primarily for navigation.  But I’m trying to join the tech savvy by loading up my iphone with useful apps that might come in handy in a pinch.

For starters I downloaded Halfmile’s PDFs.  I’m figuring out how to put them in my phone- the idea being you don’t need a signal to view them.  Also popular is the app “Topo Maps”.  Here is what Rockin’ says:

I wanted to talk a little about my sweet i Phone App, Topo Maps. When getting ready for the PCT I first uploaded at home with wifi all the maps I would need. Then I went to Halfmile’s excellent and essential website and downloaded way points and inserted them on the maps. So this is how it works, while I am hiking and I happen to get off trail (which can and does even on the well-marked PCT) I can turn my phone on, go to my favorite app and push beacon and voila it locates me on the map via satellite. I then look at the way points and they let me know what direction to head! I LOVE THIS! We have needed to use this tool twice in the last 2 days. Imagine that!

The WordPress app to update this blog from my iphone doesn’t let me upload audio or video without upgrading to “videopress” at $50/year.  Me (cheapskate) seeks ways around this.  I’ll get to a computer from time to time so…

YouTube’s app to upload videos from my iphone is helpful.  Friends and family can subscribe to my Wandering Dot YouTube Channel to see my lastest video uploads!  But it would be handier to get those YouTube videos onto this blog, but it doesn’t give you the embed code.  Hmm.  I’m getting closer at least!

About wanderingdot

Thru-hikes - PCT 2011, CT 2014 Artist/sculptor, professor, master fabricator
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2 Responses to iphone apps

  1. Dan says:

    Well I couldn’t resist giving this app a try. Since I’m taking the phone anyway why not have it be more useful!

    Internet out on the island is about dial-up speed, so maps take a while, but I’m happy to say this is a great tool and I’m using it here locally too.
    Thanks for passing it along.


    • wanderingdot says:

      Hi Dan, what I’m liking about that app is that when it works correctly, it tells me my altitude as it sends out my location. Obviously, the gps knows the map location where I am, and they have data that knows the altitude. It’s a very handy bonus feature.

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